
Elsewhere, a portfolio manager might use a sensitivity table to assess how changes to the different values of each security in a portfolio will impact the variance of the portfolio. Other types of risk management tools include decision trees and break-even analysis. The analysis model will take all available pieces of data and information, and the model will attempt to yield concept of risk and return different outcomes, probabilities, and financial projections of what may occur. In more advanced situations, scenario analysis or simulations can determine an average outcome value that can be used to quantify the average instance of an event occurring. Diversification is a method of reducing unsystematic (specific) risk by investing in a number of different assets.

Thus, standard deviation can be used to define the expected range of investment returns. For the S&P 500, for example, the standard deviation from 1990 to 2008 was 19.54 percent. So, in any given year, the S&P 500 is expected to return 9.16 percent but its return could be as high as 67.78 percent or as low as −49.46 percent, based on its performance during that specific period. For investments with a long history, a strong indicator of future performance may be past performance. Economic cycles fluctuate, and industry and firm conditions vary, but over the long run, an investment that has survived has weathered all those storms.

  1. Since the future is uncertain, there is always a chance that the returns will be either better or worse than anticipated.
  2. Examples include a change in management, a product recall, a regulatory change that could drive down company sales, and a new competitor in the marketplace with the potential to take away market share from a company.
  3. In some cases, the information may help companies avoid unprofitable projects.
  4. If the economy is expanding rapidly, the investment will generate earnings (returns) of INR 7,50,000 per year; if there is mild growth, returns would be INR 5,00,000 and if there is a recession, INR 250,000.

Each investor has a unique risk profile that determines their willingness and ability to withstand risk. In general, as investment risks rise, investors expect higher returns to compensate for taking those risks. There are many different types of investments and asset classes, such as money market securities, bonds, public equities, private equity, private debt, and real estate, to name but a few.

This ‘concentration’ is another example of the relationship between risk and return. After investing money in a project a firm wants to get some outcomes from the project. The outcomes or the benefits that the investment generates are called returns. Wealth maximization approach is based on the concept of future value of expected cash flows from a prospective project. Changes in the inflation rate can make corporate bonds more or less valuable, for example, or more or less able to create valuable returns.

Types of Financial Risk

For example, in the example above, the company may assess that there is a 1% chance a product defection occurs. In this example, the risk value of the defective product would be assigned $1 million. A company may have already addressed the major risks of the company through a SWOT analysis. Although a SWOT analysis may prove to be a launching point for further discussion, risk analysis often addresses a specific question while SWOT analysis are often broader.

These investments are typically riskier than public equities and include additional risks such as liquidity risk. However, because of these additional risks, private equity also offers investors the highest potential investment returns. As Figure 12.9 “S&P 500 Average Annual Return” shows, an investment may do better or worse than its average.

Within an all-equity portfolio, risk and reward can be increased by concentrating investments in specific sectors or by taking on single positions that represent a large percentage of holdings. Investments with different levels of risk are often placed together in a portfolio to maximize returns while minimizing the possibility of volatility and loss. Modern portfolio theory (MPT) uses statistical techniques to determine an efficient frontier that results in the lowest risk for a given rate of return.

Step #4: Build Analysis Model(s)

While information about current and past returns is useful, investment professionals are more concerned with the expected returnThe return expected for an investment based on its average historical performance. Statistically, it is the mean or average of the investment’s past performance. For the investment, that is, how much it may be expected to earn in the future. Estimating the expected return is complicated because many factors (i.e., current economic conditions, industry conditions, and market conditions) may affect that estimate. The statement “it may rain tomorrow” indicates an uncertain event; it may rain or it may not. The assigning of a probability to an uncertain event leads to the estimation of risk.

How to Perform a Risk Analysis

Risk is measured by the amount of volatility, that is, the difference between actual returns and average (expected) returns. This difference is referred to as the standard deviationIn finance, the statistical measure that calculates the frequency and amount by which actual returns differ from the average or expected returns.. Returns with a large standard deviation (showing the greatest variance from the average) have higher volatility and are the riskier investments.

The standard deviation of returns for DAL for the sample period 2011–2020 is 51.9%. Given DAL’s average return of 22.4%, the actual yearly return will be somewhere between −29.5% and 74.29% in two out of three years. A very high return of greater than 74.29% would occur 16% of the time; a very large loss of more than 29.5% would also occur 16% of the time. It is the possibility that an investor may not be able to reinvest the cash flows received from an investment (such as interest or dividends) at the same rate of return as the original investment. Reinvestment risk is particularly relevant for fixed income investments like bonds, where interest rates may change over time. Investors can manage reinvestment risk by laddering their investments, diversifying their portfolio, or considering investments with different maturity dates.

Managing Risk and Return

A return (also referred to as a financial return or investment return) is usually presented as a percentage relative to the original investment over a given time period. Risk analysis is the process of identifying and analyzing potential future events that may adversely impact a company. A company performs risk analysis to better understand what may occur, the financial implications of that event occurring, and what steps it can take to mitigate or eliminate that risk.

In reality, they are subject to different outcomes, are generally quite
uncertain, and require a quantitative method if they are to be properly
analyzed. Fortunately, we can use some very basic probability and statistics
theory to quantify this uncertainty and develop the concept of an expected
return, which is useful for most financial decision making. Investment risk is the idea that an investment will not perform as expected, that its actual return will deviate from the expected return.

The FDIC only insures up to $250,000 per depositor per bank, so any amount above that limit is exposed to the risk of bank failure. A share bought at INR 30 pays a dividend of INR 3 and can be sold at INR 35 after 1 year. Skewness is the measure of the extent to which a curve is non-symmetrical. Non-symmetrical distributions may either be positively or negatively skewed. If most of the values lie to the right of the mean value (greater than the mean), the distribution is positively skewed and vice-versa. Human beings, like other animals, are designed to be risk-averse (it is a survival instinct).

Not all risks may materialize, but it is important for a company to understand what may occur so it can at least choose to make plans ahead of time to avoid potential losses. Qualitative risk analysis is an analytical method that does not identify and evaluate risks with numerical and quantitative ratings. Qualitative analysis involves a written definition of the uncertainties, an evaluation of the extent of the impact (if the risk ensues), and countermeasure plans in the case of a negative event occurring.

Risk is a probabilistic measure and so can never tell you for sure what your precise risk exposure is at a given time, only what the distribution of possible losses is likely to be if and when they occur. There are also no standard methods for calculating and analyzing risk, and even VaR can have several different ways of approaching the task. Risk is often assumed to occur using normal distribution probabilities, which in reality rarely occur and cannot account for extreme or “black swan” events. Risk analysis allows companies to make informed decisions and plan for contingencies before bad things happen.

Unsystematic risk, also known as specific risk or idiosyncratic risk, is a category of risk that only affects an industry or a particular company. Unsystematic risk is the risk of losing an investment due to company or industry-specific hazard. Examples include a change in management, a product recall, a regulatory change that could drive down company sales, and a new competitor in the marketplace with the potential to take away market share from a company.


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