
When you use the “Bcc” function on email, this refers to a “blind carbon copy” and means the original recipient does not know you are being copied, according to mail app company Spark. For example, imagine you are working with a coworker on a project that is being supervised by a manager. If you are brainstorming ideas for the project and looking for input, sending a memo to both your coworker and the manager would be appropriate. Don’t share people’s email address using CC if they wish to remain private or their contact details confidential.

  1. The list of recipients cc’d can be seen by all recipients of the email chain.
  2. A well-written memo will help you communicate efficiently and achieve results.
  3. I mean, yes, “cc” is one of the easiest ones, but the innocent use of jargon, in general, may alienate or intimidate the audience that could then have other repercussions.
  4. Memos are a good way to disseminate such information to your colleagues, tenants, volunteers, or other internal organization members.
  5. A file can be duplicated by placing a carbon paper in between two sheets of paper, and then typing or writing on the first sheet.

Originally used in business letters, the abbreviation cc stands for carbon copy. In the context of email, cc indicates the other recipients to whom the message was sent. Whether cc meaning in memo you prefer the former or the latter, the function of this abbreviation stays the same which is to duplicate a file or an email message for other people’s reference.

Memos (or memoranda) are typically used for fairly short messages of one page or less, but informal reports of several pages may also employ memo format. “CC” stands for “carbon copy,” and functionally represents a copy of an email sent to another addressee. If you include the email address of another individual in the CC line, that person will receive a copy of the email you send to the people in the “To” field. CC, in its full form, stands for Carbon Copy, a function that allows you to send a single email to multiple contacts.

What does ‘Cc’ mean? How to send a ‘carbon copy’ of your emails to anyone

While copying, sharing, or redistributing content published under traditional copyright is generally prohibited, educators are permitted to print articles for classroom use. Writing Commons LLC benefits from affiliate sales linked on our website. Memos are distinguished by a header that includes DATE, TO, FROM, and SUBJECT lines. An RE (“Reference”) line may be used instead of SUBJECT, but this use is becoming rarer as “RE” is often mistaken as “Reply” because of its use in email.

Business Letter Salutation Ideas

You can use cc to ensure these updates are sent to everyone working on the project. This method uses etiquette to signal to the team that you don’t need all of them to reply to your email but want them to be in the loop. When cc recipients are included, you’ll need to click reply-all to include everyone in the “to,” “cc,” and “bcc ” fields in your reply. Otherwise, your reply will only be sent to those listed in the to field. Although technically cc offers the same functionality as putting multiple recipients in the “to” field, there’s a reason we use cc instead.

You can find tutorials for navigating this easy-to-use platform attached to this memo. You can place the summary right before your closing statement. A summary may list key recommendations, a summation of important information, references, methods, or resources you used. If the information in your memo needs further clarification, you can place it within this section. Summaries can be a few sentences long or a bullet-pointed list of key information. When deciding whether or not to initial a memo, ask what value is being added with this task?

How is a memo different from a letter?

“To have cc’d the manager” means that a copy of the information or file has been forwarded to the manager even if he or she isn’t the direct recipient. Doing so makes the manager aware of the content of the email, as well as keep a copy of it. And because the “cc” function is used regularly in correspondence, many people tend to use it as a verb to refer to the act of sending a copy of the same email to another person.

Call to action and task statement

However, if you are asking whether you can move forward with one of your ideas, you must address the memo to the manager and cc your coworker. Otherwise, it looks like you have breached the office hierarchy by asking your coworker for permission. Use CC to add contacts to an existing email thread or message. Use of this site constitutes acceptance of our Terms of Service & Privacy Policy.

Therefore, you are expected to provide concrete information, even information that the supervisor might already know, in a form that clarifies ideas and puts them into context. While there are many types of business letter formats, the format of a memo is an entirely different animal. A salutation and signature are no longer necessary, because the point is to convey needed information or communicate a call to action as quickly and efficiently as possible. At minimum, a business memo should include a heading (which contains the to and from information), a date, a subject line, and the actual message of the memo.

The main purpose that a memorandum fulfills is that it aims to record and relay information, and to make brief appeals. A memorandum is also essential in the field of business as it helps build good relationships. It also helps in establishing accountability of things and saves you hassle and time than writing a letter will. In establishments and offices, memos are used to relay information to employees regarding events or any other changes that have been made in the company. Short for “memorandum,” a memo is a type of document used to communicate with others in the same organization.

Others may want to obtain specific information (evidence) needed to understand and justify policy and action decisions. Readers may also want to get a sense of your professional ability and judgment. The CC and BCC you see on your email client comes from the days when memos were typed.

You write “Memo” or “Memorandum” at the top, followed by a To line, a From line, a Date line, a Subject line, and then the actual body of the message. A memo, or memorandum, is one of the most common forms of business communication. Whether you opt to communicate via email or a printed letter, learning and understanding good “cc” etiquette is essential. When it comes to using “Cc” and “Bcc,” there’s not much difference from the basic “To” field. Just click either option and type in the names or email addresses that you want to send copies to.


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